
Shipment is made within 1-2 business days from receiving confirmation of payment for the ordered products. All products are sent to the customer via a courier company. We ship goods to most EU countries. Shipping time, depending on the recipient's country, ranges from 2-5 business days.

Packaging charges are included in shipping costs. Transport costs vary depending on the type of product purchased, the weight of the shipment or the number of items ordered.

We recommend purchasing several products in one basket to avoid duplicate transport costs. We cannot group two separate orders, so shipping costs are added to each order separately.

Products purchased from us are properly packed and secured before shipping.

When receiving the parcel, please check the visual condition of the parcel. If you have any reservations about the condition of the shipment or the quantity of the ordered goods, please open the package and check the contents. In the case of mechanical damage, please write down a damage report in the presence of the courier, which will include information on the date, time of delivery and a description of the damage or any missing defects. A damage report is necessary for making a complaint.